Month: June 2017

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Who do you think you are?

“Who do you think you are?” That’s a question the people ask Jesus in Mark chapter 2. And today on Discover the Word, the team continues their series titled, “Why, Jesus?” Join them at the table as they uncover who Jesus revealed Himself to be while challenging our ideas in the process. Listen today  to Discover […]

Reason to Smile

In the workplace, words of encouragement matter. How employees talk to one another has a bearing on customer satisfaction, company profits, and co-worker appreciation. Studies show that members of the most effective work groups give one another six times more affirmation than disapproval, disagreement, or sarcasm. Least productive teams tend to use almost three negative comments for every helpful word.

Paul learned by experience about the value of words in shaping relationships and outcomes. Before meeting Christ on the road to Damascus, his words and actions terrorized followers of Jesus. But by the time he wrote his letter to the Thessalonians,…

What if God Made Me Pretty?

I am short, stocky, and average-looking. When I was growing up, people used to comment about how flat my nose was. A friend even told me that my nose looked like it had been hit by something.

Reason to Smile

In the workplace, words of encouragement matter. How employees talk to one another has a bearing on customer satisfaction, company profits, and co-worker appreciation. Studies show that members of the most effective work groups give one another six times more affirmation than disapproval, disagreement, or sarcasm. Least productive teams tend to use almost three negative comments for every helpful word.

Paul learned by experience about the value of words in shaping relationships and outcomes. Before meeting Christ on the road to Damascus, his words and actions terrorized followers of Jesus. But by the time he wrote his letter to the Thessalonians,…

Words Can Kill—Literally

Is telling someone to commit suicide a crime? According to the verdict of a landmark case in US, it is. For urging her boyfriend to take his own life via text messages that led to his suicide in 2014, Michelle Carter was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter this week.

Important Lessons From The Bible Teaching

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Come and join us as we travel together with Abraham and Joseph in their journey with God and also learn about the disastrous consequences of envy from the lives of Cain and Esau.

“Why, Jesus?”

Have you ever wanted to ask Jesus a question? Today on Discover the Word, the team kicks off a new series from Mark chapter 2 titled, “Why, Jesus?” They’ll examine four key questions asked of Jesus and how His answers clarified His mission. Listen to Discover the Word today!

What If I’m Not Sure What to Do With My Life?

“What is your advice to people who do not know what they want to do with their lives yet?” I was recently asked this question by a polytechnic student at my alma mater when I was there to share about getting into law school and studying law.

Driven by God

A few months ago I received an email inviting me to join a community of “driven people.’ I decided to look up the word driven, and I learned that a driven person is someone highly motivated to succeed and who will work hard to achieve his goals.

Is it good to be a driven person? There is a test that never fails: “Do it all for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Many times we do things for self-glory. After the flood in Noah’s day, a group of people decided to build a tower in order to “make a name”…

A Perfect Father

My father once admitted to me, “When you were growing up, I was gone a lot.”

I don’t remember that. Besides working his full-time job, he was gone some evenings to direct choir practice at church, and he occasionally traveled for a week or two with a men’s quartet. But for all the significant (and many small) moments of my life—he was there.

For instance, when I was 8, I had a tiny part in an afternoon play at school. All the mothers came, but only one dad—mine. In many little ways, he has always let my sisters and me know that…

To Those Not Celebrating Father’s Day

I have nothing against Father’s Day. My family just never had the practice of celebrating it—along with other occasions like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day.

from USA

My name is Kimmi and I am a grateful recovering addict. October 2003 was my bottom. I walked by people who were smiling and laughing and looked nice while I was on my way to meet my dealer, yet again. I had lost my ability to say no and to walk away from heroin. I've discovered that there's only one thing stronger than a mother's love. That would be addiction. And yet, I also discovered there's only one thing stronger than addiction - God and His eternal love. As each year passes and I get to celebrate each year, I still find myself surprised. The milestone I have been really looking forward to is celebrating 14 years clean and sober. Why? Because the AA coin has XIV on it. I'm a former I.V. addict and having the AA 14 year coin shows not only me, but those in my life that sobriety IS possible, one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. Through the good and bad, God has saved me, time and time again. My favorite statement is "Stay sober NO MATTER WHAT" Learn from every situation, be grateful for every single minute He gifts, remember we are not bad people trying to get good, we are sick people trying to get well. My name is Kimmi and by the grace of God, I am a grateful recovering addict.

A Letter To The Man of Few Words

It is late October. I am seven and barely 90 centimeters tall. You seem like a giant to me. I reach out to hold you and my tiny hands are engulfed by your smooth and strong palms.

Time Together

On the two-hour drive home from a family member’s wedding, my mom asked me for the third time what was new in my job. I once again repeated some of the details as if telling her for the first time, while wondering what might possibly make my words more memorable. My mom has Alzheimer’s, a disease that progressively destroys the memory, can adversely affect behavior, and eventually leads to the loss of speech—and more.

I grieve because of my mom’s disease but am thankful she is still here and we can spend time together—and even converse. It thrills me that whenever I…